Headshot of Sunki Hong

Sunki Hong

Assistant Professor
Headshot of Sunki Hong

She is working as an Assistant Professor in the School of Design, Carnegie Mellon University and as a Designer in the realm of the product design and furniture design. 

Her creative journey is defined by a profound exploration of the interplay between culture, nature, or philosophy within the realm of design. These fusion forms the cornerstone of her work, enabling the synthesis of these elements into tangible and captivating design expressions. Her works are characterized by an elegant fusion of balanced aesthetics and a palette of refined and understated hues.


Her works have been acknowledged in the European Product Design Awards, Korean International Design Awards, and New York Product Design Awards. 

She received a bachelor's degree in industrial design and an MFA degree from Ewha Womans University in Korea and a master's degree in furniture and metal design from Iowa State University.