Visiting Students from Our Exchange Partner Schools
Students from our established exchange schools are welcome to study with us for a semester in the School of Design. We accept a very limited number of applicants each year, reviewing them on a competitive basis. Typically, students have completed at least two years of study in their home program.
If you're interested in applying to study with us for a semester, please supply:
- A completed application form
- A statement of intent, including a description of your home program, your level of study, your motivation for studying abroad — particularly in the School of Design at Carnegie Mellon University — and your proposed semester of study
- Official academic transcripts from your home university
- Proof of English proficiency with TOEFL or IELTS scores (scores from other English proficiency exams are not accepted)
- TOEFL minimum acceptable score is 102, with no individual score less than 25
- IELTS minimum acceptable score is 7.5
- Your portfolio, preferably as a web link.
You may send your application by mail or email. Send all materials to:
Stephanie Lange
School of Design International Study Advisor
Carnegie Mellon University
School of Design, MMCH 110
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA, 15213-3890
United States of America
Tel: (412) 268-2828, Fax: (412) 268-3088
For study with us in our:
- Fall semester: application materials are due March 1
- Spring semester: application materials are due September 15
A small committee of faculty members reviews foreign exchange applications. We will notify you by email about your proposal's approval.
Once we grant you permission to study at the School of Design, our study abroad coordinator will give you further information, including contacts for arranging course registration, housing, visas, forms and documentation required by the CMU Office of International Education.
Please note that we are only able to accept applications from students studying at our exchange partner institutions.